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Co-Founder Amy Schneider Helps Name Great American Optician Contest Winners

September 26, 2014

The Opticians Association of America (OAA) announced the winners of the Great American Optician Video Contest last week at Vision Expo West in Las Vegas, Nevada, with the help of American Idol's Randy Jackson and a celebrity panel of judges, including our own Amy Schneider, co-founder and VP of Product Development.
The OAA tasked opticians throughout the US with conveying to a consumer audience who opticians are and what they do in a 30- to 90-second video posted to the OAA YouTube Channel. Rounded out by Robert Irvine of Food Network and Cynthia Shapiro of Cinzia Designs, the panel of judges reviewed the 10 finalists, narrowed by the contest committee from more than 60 video submissions.

"As an optician, I was honored to represent the field that started my career and the thousands of opticians across the country as a celebrity judge," said Schneider. "While watching the video submissions, I was inspired to see the passion that was communicated about the important roles that every optician plays to bring sight, care, and love to their patients."

Contest Sponsor Transitions Optical provided a $3,500 cash prize for the first place winner, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third. Watch the videos here:

1st place
Adam Chizmar; Video Entry: An Optician's Main Focus

2nd place
Matthew Denton: Video Entry: What is an Optician?

3rd place
Michael Beaudoin: Video Entry: Clearly an Optician

"I want to personally thank our judging panel and most importantly all the people across the country who put great thought and passion into the videos that were entered," said Chris Allen, OAA Executive Director. "The videos are simply amazing and now that our organization has the top three videos, we cannot wait to share them with the American Public in an effort to educate the consumer regarding the wonderful profession of opticianry."

OAA Logo Established in 1926, the Opticians Association of America (OAA) serves as the only national organization representing opticianry's business, professional, educational, legislative and regulatory interests. OAA fosters, supports and sponsors programs of competency certification, licensing and continuing education for professional development. For more information visit

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