February 6, 2011 – Sharon, Pa. – HOPE is patient. It is neither pushy nor demanding. And it is free.
“Online retailers are using in-home try-ons of 5 frames very
effectively. Since we are not 'locked-in' to a salesforce, it makes
sense for us to use the same try-on method to create a fun, no-pressure,
'in-office' shopping experience with our entire collection.”
Here is how HOPE works: Eyes of Faith ships their collections free to a
potential or current optical partner who can then browse them at his or
her own pace. Hope allows members of independent opticals to see and
feel the quality, fit, and style of the collection before ordering and
to discover new styles with conveniently delivered, in-office samples.
There is free shipping on all orders while HOPE is visiting the
office—but there is no obligation to buy anything and after a three-day
shopping period, FedEx picks up and delivers HOPE free to another
"This is the future of frame buying for the independent optical. I was
able to take my time, show the collections to all of our opticians, and
get everyone excited about the product,” said Chris Clark of Blueridge
Optical in Roanoke, Virginia. “We received free shipping on our order,
and now we carry a collection that allows us to give back—Eyes of Faith
and 'Hope' made it easy."
HOPE requires no sales commission and no commission means Eyes of Faith can give back to its Wear and Share program, which provides complete pairs of prescription glasses or sunglasses to mission groups around the world through Sight Ministries. All potential or current optical partners have to do to receive HOPE is complete a request form
available on the Eyes of Faith website. HOPE puts potential and
current optical partners in complete control of the buying process.
“We’re a hope-inspired eyewear company,” said Schneider. “This program
allows us to streamline the sales process, it gives our partners time
and flexibility and, most importantly, it allows more people to see our
product and share their hope through Eyes of Faith.”
Watch co-founders Amy and Jim Schneider introduce our latest groundbreaking collection at VEE!
I woke up my wife, Amy, from a very deep sleep on a Sunday morning September 28th, 2008.
“I have an idea to start an eyewear company that honors God.”
Amy rolled over and said, “You’re crazy, go back to bed.”
I convinced her that I wasn’t that crazy and she warmed up to the idea that day. As it turned out, Vision Expo West was happening that same week. “If we are thinking of starting an eyewear company,” she said, “we need to go to Vision Expo.”