We're honored to be featured in Vision Monday's 12.12.16 cover story:
For decades, classical marketing rested upon the foundation of the so-called “4 Ps,” better known as product, price, promotion and placement. But the world is changing, as most marketers, eyecare professionals and retailers know. And now a fifth “P” has wedged its way into the marketing equation: Purpose, or social purpose and corporate responsibility.
Read the entire article here >
Watch co-founders Amy and Jim Schneider introduce our latest groundbreaking collection at VEE!
I woke up my wife, Amy, from a very deep sleep on a Sunday morning September 28th, 2008.
“I have an idea to start an eyewear company that honors God.”
Amy rolled over and said, “You’re crazy, go back to bed.”
I convinced her that I wasn’t that crazy and she warmed up to the idea that day. As it turned out, Vision Expo West was happening that same week. “If we are thinking of starting an eyewear company,” she said, “we need to go to Vision Expo.”